segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

RF Mind Control in brazil

RF Mind Control in brazil

The coercive structure in the brazil is configured in models of oppression of the population. One of the main tools of coercion of the 'machine of the state' it is the use of RF Mind Control. The own brazil has been maintaining doubtful relationships with terrorist and communist countries, what approximates it a lot of times of a totalitarian state disguised of democratic model.

However, the easiness with that it is possible to develop mechanisms and devices of mental manipulation by radiofrequency, it is more safer the information about this subject become public. The systemization of those information in the media as a whole, and the knowledge of this technology for the general public, it has been affecting very strongly  those Brazilian coercive structure. 

With that, some segments of the society in the brazil, as churches, and some outdated areas of the models of repression of the 'times of the dictatorship', it has been seeking, at all costs, to track the sources of the information, to neutralize possible divulgers of information, and to manipulate the information, with old fairy tales, to hide the real and true information published in the media. 

A new time is being initiate with the valorization and invigoration of the democratic states, and and the sooner the ancient defenders of the old repressive models to understand this situation, the easier it is to adapt politically to the new times. 


Controle da Mente no brasil 

A estrutura coercitiva no brazil está configurada em modelos de opressão da população. Uma das principais ferramentas de coerção da ‘máquina do estado’ é a utilização de controle da mente por RF. O próprio brazil tem mantido relações dúvidosas com países terroristas e comunistas, o que o aproxima muitas vezes de um estado totalitário disfarçado de modelo democrático.

Contudo, a facilidade com que é possível se criar dispositivos e mecanismos de manipulação de funções cerebrais por radiofreqüência, tem tornado mais seguro que as informações sobre esse assunto tornem-se públicas. A sistematização dessas informações nos meios de comunicação como um todo, e seu conhecimento para o grande público tem abalado fortemente essa estrutura coercitiva brasileira.

Com isso, alguns segmentos da sociedade no brazil, como igrejas, e algumas áreas ultrapassadas dos modelos de repressão das épocas da ditadura, tem procurado, a todo custo, rastrear as fontes das informações, neutralizar possíveis divulgadores de informação, e manipular as informações, com velhas histórias da carochinha, para encobrir as informações reais e verdadeiras divulgadas na mídia.

Existe um novo tempo sendo iniciado com a valorização e fortalecimento dos estados democráticas, e quanto mais cedo os antigo defensores dos velhos modelos repressivos entenderem essa situação, mais fácil será adequar-se politicamente aos novos tempos. 

Para maiores detalhes acesse:

domingo, 9 de março de 2014

Comunicação pelo Cortéx


Comunicação pelo Córtex 

Dias de Luta Dias de Glória

(Telepatia Sintética)

O Cérebro pode ter suas funções manipuladas a distancia por ondas eletromagnéticas.

Pulso de microondas moduladas em freqüências específicas a do cérebro permite que uma série de funções cerebrais possam ser ativadas a distância. Entre essas funções está a possibilidade de se modular a mensagem no padrão do córtex auditivo, com isso, a pessoa passa a ouvir vozes direto na cabeça. Esse fenômeno é conhecido como voice to skull (V2K), ou telepatia sintética.

Através da musica do Chorão, que conhecida o fenômeno, juntamente com Champignon, o termo ficou registrado como telepatia (sintética), comunicação pelo córtex. De qualquer forma, existe toda uma cultura baseada na manipulação de funções cerebrais a distância no brasil.

Veja os vídeos:

Acesse o site:

segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2014

Brain Computer Interface

Great Technology
Brain Computer Interface

Technologies 'Brain Computer Interface' (BCI) noninvasive, based on the analysis of patterns of electroencephalogram (EEG) are an excellent way of technological development, and in addition, allow to highlight brain manipulation by electronic means such as the clandestine weapons microwave-ELF (ELF can be produced from microwave frequencies through 'beat effect').

The development of BCI technologies is gaining more strength as it makes life easier for people, not just those with special needs. Even brain computer interfaces that are able to 'read minds', this is done explicitly and the user's knowledge, which helps make clear that this type of technology is not only possible, but it is already being used. But now the remote manipulation of brain function by radiofrequency has been used obscurely, and without knowledge of the population. The use of the brain manipulation by radiofrequency, done illegally by agents of the Brazilian government, is widespread in Brazil.

The Brain Computer Interface technology is great for technological development and should be encouraged and strengthened.

Besides the obvious benefits of using BCI, it becomes possible to expose the fact that the brain is manipulated by electro-magnetic energy, both to interact with external objects, as to be set by them. The difference is that in the case of BCI technology, this is done with the knowledge of the user, who chooses whether or not to use technology.


Excelente Tecnologia
Interface Cérebro Computador (BCI)

As tecnologias de ‘interface cérebro computador’ (BCI) não invasivas, baseadas na análise de padrões do eletroencefalograma (EEG) são uma excelente forma de desenvolvimento tecnológico, e, além disso, permitem evidenciar a manipulação cerebral por meios eletrônicos, como as armas clandestinas de ELF-Microondas (A ELF pode ser produzidas a partir de freqüências de microondas através do ‘efeito de batimento’).
O desenvolvimento de tecnologias BCI deve ganhar cada vez mais força, pois facilita a vida das pessoas, não apenas as pessoas com necessidades especiais. Mesmo que as interfaces cérebro computador sejam capazes de ‘ler pensamentos’, isso é feito de modo explícito e com o conhecimento do usuário, o que ajuda a tornar evidente que esse tipo de tecnologia não apenas é possível, como já está sendo utilizada. Porém atualmente a manipulação remota das funções cerebrais por radiofreqüência tem sido utilizada de modo obscuro, e sem conhecimento da população.

A tecnologia de Interface Cérebro Computador é excelente para o desenvolvimento tecnológico e deve ser incentivada e potencializada. Além dos benefícios óbvios na utilização de BCI, torna-se possível expor o fato de que o cérebro é manipulável por energia eletro-magnética, tanto para interagir com os objetos externos, quanto para ser ajustada por eles. A diferença é que no caso da tecnologia BCI, isso é feito com o conhecimento do usuário, que escolhe se quer ou não utilizar a tecnologia.

domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014

Electronic Mind Control in Brazil / Boycott Brazil

Miguel Nicolelis, Edward Snowden and the
Torture and Electronic Mind Control in Brazil

Miguel Nicolelis
Edward Snowden

Brazil is a reference in the use of electronic technology of radiofreqüência for remote cerebral manipulation. With the exhibition of the files of Snowden (you can observe, in this video, as true information are transformed in false information by the speech) it was demonstrated that Brazil has been using the technology of remote manipulation of the cerebral functions for radiofreqüência for torture ends and social conformity.

It has been publishing that Brazil is a reference in relation to neurociência through the works published by the Brazilian Miguel Nicolelis. Their works link the form with the cerebral functions can be manipulated by electric power through chips and implants. That the researcher's supposed reference is associated with the fact that Brazil possesses long experience in the manipulation of cerebral functions in a remote way.

The technology used in Brazil is implemented through the use of television, radio and mainly cellular antennas, once Brazil doesn't have satellites.

With the exhibition of that technology in the last years, Brazil has been trying to create a disinformation scenery in the media, especially in the internet, diverting the attention of the technology for conspiracy subjects as demons' attacks and alien invasions.


O Brasil é uma referencia na utilização de tecnologia eletrônica de radiofreqüência para manipulação cerebral remota. Com a exposição dos arquivos de Snowden ficou demonstrado que o Brasil tem utilizado a tecnologia de manipulação remota das funções cerebrais por radiofreqüência para fins de tortura e conformidade social.

Tem-se divulgado que o Brasil é uma referencia em relação a neurociência através do trabalhos divulgados pelo brasileiro Miguel Nicolelis. Seus trabalhos relacionam-se a forma com as funções cerebrais podem ser manipuladas por energia elétrica através de chips e implantes. Essa suposta referencia do pesquisador está associada com o fato de que o Brasil possui longa experiência na manipulação de funções cerebrais de modo remoto.

A tecnologia utilizada no Brasil é implementada através da utilização de antenas de radio, televisão e principalmente celular, uma vez que o Brasil não possui satélites.

Com a exposição dessa tecnologia nos últimos anos, o Brasil tem tentado criar um cenário de desinformação na mídia, em especial na internet, desviando a atenção da tecnologia para assuntos de conspiração como ataques de demônios e invasões alienígenas.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2014

Controle da Mente

Controle da Mente

As funções cerebrais podem ser manipuladas remotamentes a partir de energia eletromagnética modulada. 

Para que as funções cerebrais sejam alteradas remotamente, as ondas de radiofrequencia precisam estar moduladas no padrão do cérebro.

A simples exposição da pessoa a energia eletromagnética, como antenas de celular ou de rádio, não provocam qualquer alteração.

Veja os detalhes em "CNN e Persinger".

Assista os vídeos: 

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study

Ali Rahimi1, Ben Recht 2, Jason Taylor 2, Noah Vawter 2
17 Feb 2005

1: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department, MIT.
2: Media Laboratory, MIT.

Document Download.

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets:

An Empirical Study

Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government's invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason.
It has long been suspected that the government has been using satellites to read and control the minds of certain citizens. The use of aluminum helmets has been a common guerrilla tactic against the government's invasive tactics [1]. Surprisingly, these helmets can in fact help the government spy on citizens by amplifying certain key frequency ranges reserved for government use. In addition, none of the three helmets we analyzed provided significant attenuation to most frequency bands.
We describe our experimental setup, report our results, and conclude with a few design guidelines for constructing more effective helmets.
Experimental Setup
The three helmet types tested
The Classical
The Fez

The Centurion

We evaluated the performance of three different helmet designs, commonly referred to as the Classical, the Fez, and the Centurion. These designs are portrayed in Figure 1. The helmets were made of Reynolds aluminium foil. As per best practices, all three designs were constructed with the double layering technique described elsewhere [2].
A radio-frequency test signal sweeping the ranges from 10 Khz to 3 Ghz was generated using an omnidirectional antenna attached to the Agilent 8714ET's signal generator. 
The experimental apparatus, including a data recording laptop, 
a $250,000 network analyser, and antennae.

A network analyser (Agilent 8714ET) and a directional antenna measured and plotted the signals.
See Figure 2.

Because of the cost of the equipment (about $250,000), and the limited time for which we had access to these devices, the subjects and experimenters performed a few dry runs before the actual experiment 
(see Figure 3).

Test subjects during a dry run.

The receiver antenna was placed at various places on the cranium of 4 different subjects: the frontal, occipital and parietal lobes. Once with the helmet off and once with the helmet on. The network analyzer plotted the attenuation betwen the signals in these two settings at different frequencies, from 10Khz to 3 Ghz. Figure 4 shows a typical plot of the attenuation at different frequencies.

A typical attenuation trace form the network analyser

For all helmets, we noticed a 30 db amplification at 2.6 Ghz and a 20 db amplification at 1.2 Ghz, regardless of the position of the antenna on the cranium. In addition, all helmets exhibited a marked 20 db attenuation at around 1.5 Ghz, with no significant attenuation beyond 10 db anywhere else.
The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ''radio location'' (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations.
It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.
The authors would like to thank Andy (Xu) Sun of the MIT Media Lab for helping with the equipment, Professor George Sergiadis for lending us the antennae, and Professor Neil Gershenfeld for allowing us the use of his lab equipment. (Please direct any queries to the authors, NOT these folks)
There's also an informative video (youtube version) courtesy of Discovery Channel's Daily Planet.



By Dr Armen Victorian

Extract from: Lobster Magazine.

This essay has been written using recently declassified records on Project Pandora released on 19 December 1994 to the author after a Freedom of Information Act appeal filed three years ago. The aim of Project Pandora was to study the microwave frequencies targeted on the US Embassy in Moscow by the Soviets during the 1960s and 70s. All the sources quoted in this paper were included in the Project Pandora papers released to me. 
Abstract: In 1961 Allan H. Frey provided evidence that the perception of sound can be induced in normal and deaf humans by irradiation of the head with low-power density, pulse-modulated, UHF (ultra high frequency) electromagentic energy: a type of radio wave. It had previously been shown that the UHF energy of wavelengths smaller than 10 cm. could produce a heating of the skin up to severe burning. Since then, work by Frey and other has shown that this same microwave energy is capable of producing selective tachycardia (a speeding up of the heart beat) and brachycardia (a slowing down of the heart beat). In 1973 S. M. Bawin et al provided further evidence that brain waves can be inhibited or enhanced by low power VHF energy. The ability to modify behaviour with auditory-cortext stimuli, peripheral heating, brain rhythm modification and many other biological applications of microwaves has been repeatedly shown since the 1950s. The energy in question is used in radar. In view of the fact that radar is capable of detecting a single insect at a distance of over 1 kilometre and at an altitude of 600 metres, it is therefore possible that the biological application of radar could be used as a weapon on an individual or mass basis for sociological or political purposes.

Electromagnetic energy in bio-sciences

Although the use of electromagentic (EM) energy in bio-sciences is considered to be a relatively recent development, bio-electric research dates back at least as far as 1786 when Galvani and Volta were arguing about electricity and frogs' legs. It was not until 1908 that the term diathermy for the heating of body tissues by high frequency current was coined by Von Zeyneck, the pioneer in the use of direct electrodes. But the real progress was made in the 1920 when F. Cazzamali, an Italian physician, discovered that he could induce hallucinations in the minds of highly suggestible individuals, and claimed to have detected radiation from the mind.
His work, Radiating Brain, was translated in 1965 by the Foreign Technology Division of the Wright Patterson Air Force in the United States. The Dutch physician, W. A. G. van Everdingen made further progress during 1938-43. He observed that microwave irradiation affected the heart action of the chicken embryo in relation to its glycogen level. In 1946 J. E. Nyrop recorded specific effects on bacteria, viruses and tissue cultures of exposure to short-pulsed EM radiation with the heating effect deleted. These early pioneers in biological manipulation with EM energy paved the way for a ne w era of more detailed research. It was not until 1961 that the work of Dr. Alan H. Frey convinced the scientific community that radio-frequency (RF) energy could indeed do more than heat a tissue culture.

Biological response to EM energy

Direct electrodes stimulation: it has long been known that direct stimulation of the brain with electrodes will produce artifical reactions dependent upon the region stimulated. Walter Hess, a Swiss physiologist and Nobel Prize winner, was the first to pioneer the implantation of electric wires in animal brains in order to record electrical activities. He found that the hypothalamus and associated neural structures located in the rim of the brain stem, the limbic system, controlled emotional and aggressive behaviour. It was also the site of appetite, the focal point of sexual behaviour and was tied to the sense of smell.
W. Penfield, a neuro-surgeon, took Hess' findings one step further. He used electric currents to stimulate the cortex of his patients' brains while the brains were exposed during surgery. The results were astounding. Epileptic patients would experience complete episodes from their pasts, so real that it was as if they were literally reliving them. If the same spot was stimulated twice, the entire sequence would repeat itself from the beginning.
In 1960 Neider and Neff used direct electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) to produce auditory sensations in cats for the purposes of conditioning. They pointed out that sounds are produced by direct stimulation of the b Ÿrain (ESB), that sounds are a proven behavioural conditioning stimulus, and that the quality of the sound improves in proportion to the depth of the electrical stimulus in the cerebral cortex.
Radiesthesia is a term for the ability of humans to detect electromagnetic energy. James Beal of NASA's Space Flight Centre, who studies the phenomenon, believes that we are all tuned in. He believes that external energy may have profound effects due to the fact that each cell, or neurone, is a tiny complex electrical system. Robert O. Becker, a research orthopaedic surgeon at the State University of New York, suggests that each neurone has the characteristics of a semi-conductor, behaving as a transistor or solar cell. He believes that the gial cells of the nervous system may actually act as liquid crystal in resonance with surrounding energy fields. If this is true, the nervous system is capable of magnifying electrical effects over a million times in amplititude. Becker is convinced that the brain contains a middle structure with a stronger direct-current field than the rest of the nervous system The intensity and perhaps the polarity of this current directly influences consciousness. Animals' brainwave patterns went from waking to comatose when Becker placed a magnetic field at the right angle to the brain-stem. He then reversed the process. Becker applied direct current to the frontal region of the brain and awoke chemically anaesthesised animals.

Auditory response to RF energy

Allan H. Frey made the following astonishing announcement on April 24 1961 at the Aerospace Medical Association Meeting in Chicago: 'Our data to date indicate that the human auditory system can respond to electromagentic energy in at least a portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Futhermore, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low power densities. Densities which are well below that necessary for biological damage.'
Frey placed his subjects over 100 feet from a sweep antenna which they could not see. There was no sound from the antenna. Yet they reported hearing a buzzing, knocking sound each time the RF beam swept past them. The noise level was estimated at 70 to 80 decibels (db), and ear-plugs allowed the subjects to hear the sound more clearly. The sounds were the same in all cases, and always seemed to indicate a noise just behind the head. Shielding studies showed that the temple areas were criticial to RF sounds. When the temples were shielded the RF sound was gone. There was no doubt that the responses were independent of the tympanic membrane of the ear. A new form of communications, with immense implications for the military, was discovered: direct communication to the brain by radio waves. By 1961 experiments had proved that the effect and range of auditory response to RF energy could reach thousands of feet. With appropriate modulation of the carrier transmitter the RF energy could create all types of biological effects on the targeted subject, including 'pins and needles' dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
The path had been cleared to replace the electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) using electrodes with RF energy. It was now possible to achieve results similar to those achieved with ESB using radio waves.

The man from Manchuria

This discovery makes the creation of a Manchurian Candidate a reality. For the pulse-modulated transmitters could also carry information placed on the signal: it could be modulated to send words to the brain. An expendable intelligence asset, programmed by remote hypnosis, in a post-hypnotic state, could be activated by these means, to carry out orders directed to him or her by-passing his or her consciousness. The hypnotic command the target obeyed would be considered the target's own idea, originating within the target's self. Such operations could be carried out on the basis of a 'timed hypnotic command'. A hypnotist could order certain information to appear using RF means in the hypnotised target's mind at a given time in the future. A similar effect could be obtained when a hypnotic suggestion is made to be triggered by a word, a picture or other signal.
Today it is known that brain waves carry data for the processing of information in the brain. W. R. Adey believes that this data is digital coding imposed by frequency modulation of the wave. There should be no fundamental difficulties in transmitting brain waves into the brain of another person. For example, in infrared transmission a highly concentrated beam is used for information transmission.
Information conveyed into the brain of a person in any of the above ways has the effect of a sugg Bestion when the input takes place in a hypnotised state. There are also means of blocking access to retrieve any such information. By inducing amnesia in a person it is possible to disrupt, block, inhibit and reconnect his or her conscious (mental) concatentations at will, and thus produce contrasting effects which are of the highest value for later hypnotic commands.

Social and political implications

The radio wave energy used in most of the experiments is pulse-modulated or CW microwave energy. It is the same type of RF used in radar techniques: radar equipment is used in almost all of these experiments. J. H. Richter et al explained that if a radar can detect a house-fly at 1km, it can detect a man too. Radar range at 10cm wave-length - the type used in most of the lab experiments - is over 25 miles. Ther Xefore it would be quite possible to trace and target an individual's movements, within the radius of 25 miles. The same technique could be applied to the same target using EM irradiation. Clearly pronounced symptoms of microwave irradition are extreme fatigue; constant or periodic headaches; irritabiity; sleep disruption; memory difficulties; pains in the region of the heart intensifying after physical stress; laboured respiration; decreased appetite; enlargement of the heart; and other heart problems. A US State Department report by G. W. Biles suggests it is quite possible to induce a heart attack in a person from a distance with radar, since radar uses the same pulse-modulated UHF energy that Frey had used in some of his previous experiments on isolated frog hearts.

Comment: What could happen

By 1974 Lawrence Pinneo, a neuro physiologist and electronic engineer at Stanford Research Institute in Melano Park, California, had developed a computer system capable of reading a person's mind. It correlated brain waves on an eletro-encephelograph with specific commands. Twenty years ago the computer responded with a dot on a TV screen. Nowadays it could be the input to a stimulator (ESB) in advanced stages, using radio frequencies.

The concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction.

Neither is their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames of Psi-Tech said in April this year (1995) on NBC's 'The Other Side' programme: 'The US Government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people'. Dames would not comment any further.

Bawin, S.M., Gavlas-Medici, R.J., and Adey, W.R., Effects of Modulated VHF fields on specific brain rhythms in cats', in Brain Research, Vol. 58, 1973, pp. 365-384

Microwave US-USSR, Vol. VI, July-December 1976, p. 4, Office of Security, US Department of State.
Jaski, Tom and Susskind, Charles, 'Electromagnetic radiation as a tool in the life sciences', in Science, vol. 133, no. 3451, 1961, pp. 443-

Steven, Leonard A., Neurons: building blocks of the brain, (Crowell, New York, 1974
Neider, Philip C, and Neff, William D., 'Auditory information from subcortical electrical stimulation in cats', in Science vol. 133, 1961, pp 1010-1011. They summarised the auditory responses at the beginning of their paper: 'It has long been known that auditory sensations may be produced in human subjects by direct electrical stimulation in or near auditory areas of the cerebral cortex. The sensory effects produced: knocking, booming, buzzing and so on. Some evidence has also come from conditioning studies on animals, in which direct electrical stimulation of areas of the cerebral cortex has been successfully used as the condition stimuli.'

Ferguson, Marilyn, The Brain Revolution: the frontiers of mind research, (Davis-Poynter, London, 1974 Telephone conversation with the author, May 1992

Frey, Allan H., 'Auditory system response to radio frequency energy', Technical Note in Aerospace Medicine, vol. 32, 1961, pp. 1140-1142

Adey, W. R., 'Information storage and recall' in Corning, W.C. and Balaban, M., 'The Mind: biological approaches to its function', 1968

Shapitz, J. F., 'Experimental investigation of effectiveness of psycho-physiological manipulation using modulated electromagnetic energy for direct information transmission into the brain', January 1974: personal unpublished papers submited to the US State Department.

Schapitz suggested the following experiment. 'Brain waves that have been produced by drugs of known psychic effect are going to be registered on magnetic tape. The recorded rhythms will then be modulated onto a microwave (or several beams if there have been multiple tracings) and will thus be transmitted into the brain of non-drugged subjects. Their state of mind will subsequently be investigated by interview, psychological tests and by polygraph recordings. Thus it will be determined whether non-drugged subjects are in the same state of mind as the drugged subjects.' He even proposed to use similar microwave transmission methods in transmitting the muscle movements of an individual to another targetted individualRichter, Juergen H. et al, 'Remote radar sensing: atmospheric structure and insects in Science, vol. 180, no 4091, pp. 1176-78

Microwave US-USSR Vol II 1972-1974, US Department of State Office of Security, 'A study of electromagnetic-biological effects', p. 5.
'Mind reading computer', in Time, July 1, 1974, p. 67. See also David M. Rorvik, As Man Becomes Machine, (Sphere Books, London, 1979